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Income Tax efiling in India for FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25)

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What is Financial Year/fiscal year

In India, A financial year is a one-year period in which income is earned, known as a fiscal year. A fiscal year commences on the 1st of April and ends on the 31st of March. A fiscal year is for the organizations, governments, and businesses to plan their financial reporting. In simple words, The income earned in the financial year will be considered as income earned from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2022. Financial is also abbreviated as F.Y. 2022. The year after the financial year in which earned income is taxed is called the assessment year.

What is Financial Year/fiscal year?

In India, A financial year is a one-year period in which income is earned, known as a fiscal year. A fiscal year commences on the 1st of April and ends on the 31st of March. A fiscal year is for the organizations, governments, and businesses to plan their financial reporting. In simple words, The income earned in the financial year will be considered as income earned from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2022. Financial is also abbreviated as F.Y. 2022. The year after the financial year in which earned income is taxed is called the assessment year.

Understanding of Financial year (F.Y.)?

A Financial year is used by organizations and businesses for making financial accounting practices. A fiscal year is for 52-23 weeks because a year almost does not consist of 52 weeks exactly. The fiscal year is created to internalize 364 days. The extra days with leap days are enrolled into another week which is tacked into a future fiscal year calendar through five to six-year. A fiscal year is a span of time enduring one year. It is not starting at the beginning of the calendar year. Governments, companies, and organizations can start and end their fiscal years differently as per their accounting and external audit practices. Advantages of the financial year.
For instance - Let's suppose there is a firm that deals in cars and motorbikes. Most of its profits get generated in the month of March, April, and May so the firm will be more comfortable closing the books after the month of May. As the firm will have enough time for the preparations of accounting reports and will get the highest benefits of the last three months. In such a case, This firm will likely choose the fiscal year that starts on May 1st and will end on April of 30th which will fall in the following calendar.

Advantages of Fiscal Year

A fiscal year is different from country to country and separate from calendar years. The fiscal year provides many benefits which are mentioned below-
Larger cap companies use the fiscal year to estimate the profit, costs, and revenue with other authorities. After the end of the fiscal year, A company’s tax can be due to till the 15th day of the 4th month. The National Federation has launched a retail sales reporting calendar that presents as a 4-5-4 calendar. The (NRF) National Retail Federation has divided the financial year into the “month”. This calendar consists of holidays and makes sure that the months have the same Saturdays and Sundays. IRS asks or requires to file business taxes so a sole proprietorship should take into use the calendar year as their fiscal year. A fiscal can be varied from traverse back to the fourth and company to company but the calendar year is the same for the globe. A fiscal year creates diversity among the companies, organizations, and businesses who opt for the fiscal year rather than the calendar year. The calendar year brings ‘in opposite’ uniformity for the businesses.

Frequently asked questions

An individual should file income tax returns in the assessment year. The assessment year comes after the fiscal year.

A fiscal year commences on the 1st of April and ends on the 31st of March. A fiscal year is for the organizations, governments, and businesses to plan their financial reporting. In simple words, The income earned in the financial year will be considered as income earned from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2022.

A calendar year refers to the 12th month of a period that starts on the 1st of January and ends on the 31st of December.

A quarter is referred to as three month period of time on a company’s calendar. This is basically used to make reports of earnings and pay dividends

The full form of F.Y. is the Financial year that is often used by the taxpayers.

The current financial year is 2020-21 which started from the 1srt of April 2020.

The year that comes just after the financial year is known as an assessment year. The most recent fiscal year is 1st April 2021- 31st March 2022 and the AY for this FY is 1st April 2022- 31st March 2023.

In India, An Assessment Year is a period from 1st April to 31st of March during which your earned money in a financial year is taxed.

An Assessment Year is a period from 1st April to 31st of March during which your earned money in a financial year is taxed. A financial year is a one-year period in which income is earned, known as a fiscal year. A fiscal year commences on the 1st of April and ends on the 31st of March.

Krishna Gopal Varshney

Krishna Gopal Varshney co-founder & CEO of Myitronline is amongst the top emerging startups of Asia and authorized ERI by the Income Tax Department. A dedicated and tireless Expert Service Provider for the clients seeking tax filing assistance and all other essential requirements associated with Business/Professional establishment. Connect to us and let us give the Best Support to make you a Success. ”

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